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Toiletry shelf pilot scheme to help patients

Toiletry shelf pilot scheme to help patients

A new initiative to help improve the lives of patients who have unplanned stays in hospital is being piloted at Southend Hospital.

Unexpected stays can leave patients without access to essential toiletry items and often have a negative impact on how they feel.

Helping change that, a large lockable cupboard has been funded, filled with essentials for any patient in need of toiletry items such as a toothbrush, deodorant or shaving foam. This has come from Mid and South Essex Hospitals Charity.

Kelly Moore, Deputy Director of Nursing, said: “The toiletry cabinet is a simple concept but one which is very much needed by many patients daily. Having these essential items such as shaving foam, sanitary items and washing items available allows our patients to feel clean, dignified and helps with their overall health and wellbeing.”

The scheme is already having a hugely positive impact on patients and is hoped that it will soon be expanded to Basildon and Broomfield hospital sites.

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