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Initial steps taken to begin transformation of The Place into Pitsea Diagnostic Centre

Initial steps taken to begin transformation of The Place into Pitsea Diagnostic Centre

Initial steps have been taken to begin transformation of The Place into Pitsea Diagnostic Centre following the Government’s announcement of funding for a Community Diagnostic Centre in Pitsea in 2023.

The centre’s design has been approved and the new building will provide the largest diagnostic centre in South Essex. Tests including, MRI, CT, Xray, Echocardiogram and blood tests will be provided. There will also be a large Endoscopy suite, providing much needed extra capacity for faster diagnosis.

The new building will also be home to the activity centre service, community facilities and groups, which all continue to be provided in the new state of the art centre.

Qaiser Malik, Clinical Director and Consultant Radiologist at the Trust, said: “The centres are part of a national initiative to support faster diagnosis and access to tests and scans closer to home. This is a complex project and one of the biggest centres with multiple uses and has needed true collaboration to get to this point.”

The Trust is working together with Basildon Council, Essex County Council and the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (MSEICS) to lead the programme. The MSEICS has a broader estates programme focused on enhancing and expanding these facilities for the benefit of the community.

There will be an opportunity later in the year for residents to view the plans and see what the centre will offer.

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