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Hospital’s excellent care and support recognised by UNICEF

Hospital’s excellent care and support recognised by UNICEF

Extraordinary standards of care and support to new parents, particularly with breastfeeding, have been recognised at Broomfield Hospital by UNICEF.

The Maternity unit at the hospital, part of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, has been given stage two accreditation from UNICEF’s Baby Friendly Initiative, meaning that patients can be more confident about receiving exceptional care from staff who are well-trained and knowledgeable about breastfeeding.

Charlotte Lowden, Specialist Midwife for Infant Feeding at Broomfield, said: “This is a testament to the hard work of our team who are passionate about providing the best possible care for parents and their babies.

“We are committed to continuing our journey towards stage three Baby Friendly Initiative accreditation and believe this will help us to further improve breastfeeding rates and support families in making informed decisions about feeding.”

The team is also aiming for the stage three accreditation by next year.

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