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Broomfield bone surgeon’s research work could help transform lives of young people

Broomfield bone surgeon’s research work could help transform

An orthopaedic surgeon who is taking part in research, as part of an international study from Oxford University, has been nominated for an award.

The study, which was voted as the number one research priority by the British Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons, could be groundbreaking for young patients and looks into children and young people’s bones.

Mr Pranai Buddhdev, who is a Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon and the Head of Orthopaedic Research at Broomfield Hospital, is helping researchers by recruiting people to see whether surgery or casts are more effective for particular fractures in children’s elbows.

The research will find out whether surgery is unnecessary for all children with fractures, helping improve patient experience and save both time and money

Mr Buddhdev was nominated for the Principal Investigator of the Year Award by two research nurses, as part of the Clinical Research Network’s North Thames Award.

He said: “I am proud to be nominated for this award. It is really exciting for me because I’m very passionate about this research. Being part of this study, which is likely to influence global practice, is really important because I always think of what I’d want for my child.”

The shortlisting recognises Mr Buddhdev’s commitment and leadership in publishing and presenting at conferences over the last five years, as well as being the highest single recruiter to the study with 19 recruits (compared to 3-4 among other Trusts).

The study draws together over 50 centres, having recruited over 300 patients, and its research is funded by the National Institute for Health Research and includes trials in Australia and New Zealand.

The winner of the award will be announced later this month during a ceremony at the Royal College of Physicians in London.

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