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Balmoral Ward is looking ‘Royally’ good for Coronation

Balmoral Ward, at Southend Hospital, is taking its Royal connection very seriously in the run up to the Coronation of King Charles III.

Like other wards across Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, the big event will be screened across televisions for patients. Wards have also put up banners and bunting, but Balmoral even has its own cut-out King Charles!

Ward Manager, Helen Cullen, explained what a positive difference it was having on patients and visiting relatives.

She said: “It is a big thing for patients and just helps bring the celebrations to life for them, so we’ve got our bunting, a mini-flag for every patient, face painting for those that want it and even a small tea party.

“We’ve even had relatives tell us that they think it is really poignant that we have been going to so much effort for patients and helping give them that party atmosphere. It can be difficult for relatives who have people in hospital or who live far away, so it has been lovely to create that feeling of togetherness for our ward family.”

One of those is patient Sylvia Knox, 84, from Hadleigh, who thinks it is all rather marvellous. She said: “The ward looks absolutely wonderful and has created a great atmosphere and has made us feel a real part of it.

“It’s really brought back fond memories from the Queen’s Coronation of the street parties and everyone mucking in, the whole family together. I was 14 at the time and grew up in a very happy family and had an amazing mum and dad, and have very special memories from then.”

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